Bunkering (marine fuelling)
What is bunkering?
In shipping, bunkering refers to the fuelling of ships with marine (bunker) fuels used to power them, and also includes food and drinking water supplies for the crew. The fuelling operation can either be carried out via pipeline or tanker vehicle at berth or with special bunker vessels on the water. Ship-to-ship fuelling outside the port areas, i.e. at sea, is called offshore bunkering. Very high safety precautions apply to bunkering to ensure that no marine fuels spill into the water during fuelling.
More about marine fuels can be found in the article bunker fuels.
Marine fuels are traded by the Mabanaft group, e.g. by Mabanaft Deutschland. Bomin is a provider of marine fuels and bunker services.
Status: December 2016
All information subject to change. Errors and omissions excepted.
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