Sustainable aviation fuels (SAF)
What are sustainable aviation fuels (SAF)?
Aviation fuels are fuels used for aircraft propulsion. Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) are a real alternative to fossil aviation fuels. Aviation is just as important for the energy transition as the transport sector and industry in reducing CO2 emissions. Electric propulsion and hydrogen (H2) as fuel or propulsion types are currently not yet alternatives. Projects, e.g. with regard to the establishment of a hydrogen infrastructure, are in the development phase. With SAF - Sustainable Aviation Fuels - there is already a (synthetically produced) aviation fuel for reducing emissions, which is produced from sustainable resources and has very similar chemical properties to fossil aviation fuel (jet fuel). Up to 80% of CO2 emissions can already be saved by using Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) compared to conventional jet fuel, depending on the raw materials used for its production, the production method and the transport and storage route to the airport as the point of use.
SAF can be blended up to 50% with conventional jet fuel. The same quality standards are specified as for conventional jet fuel.
Sustainable Aviation Fuels can be stored, transported and handled in the same way as conventional aviation fuels due to their very similar properties.
Compared to jet fuel, SAF are currently more cost-intensive due to their lower availability and production processes.
An overview of the different types of aviation fuels is provided in the glossary article "Aviation fuels".
Aviation fuels are traded by the Mabanaft group, e.g. Mabanaft Deutschland, Mabanaft Limited and Mabanaft Energy Trading Inc. Mabanaft supplies sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) to airlines in Norway, and is currently one of only a very few companies in the world mandated to do this.
Aviation fuels and SAF at Mabanaft Limited
Aviation fuels at Mabanaft Deutschland
Status: March 2022
All information subject to change. Errors and omissions excepted.
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