How to use MabaLIVE
Our videos show how easy it is to manage you account on MabaLIVE
Customers tell us that Mabalive is really easy to use but if you do have any questions our 'How To' video tutorials demonstrate exactly how to use the system and the scope of what it offers.
If you can't find what you are looking for here, just give us a call on 0207 802 3300 and a member of our team will be glad to help.
The first page you see when you login to Mabalive is the dashboard with reports and charts that provide you with information about your account.
RECENT ORDERS shows the five most recent orders, placed either by phone or on Mabalive, in date order. Reporting includes the customer reference, ordered volume, lifted volume, product and the terminal. Data can also be sorted by specific columns.
CREDIT UTILISATION displays a snapshot of your utilised credit and available credit which is updated every half hour throughout the day. This is very useful when placing orders.
RELEASES shows details of available balances at the terminal, including the customer reference, expiry date and remaining volume to lift.
INVOICES shows you any invoices that are due, including invoice number, full amount (with duty and VAT) and the due date.
Use the tabs on the MOVED PRODUCT chart to view your volume lifted by current week, month to date or year to date, as well as the different grades that you’ve lifted.
NEWS AND ALERTS displays useful information and updates such as terminal outages or notifications of changes in prices.
On the EX-RACK PRICES page you can select the product you want to order, for example diesel at Grays, then click the Place an order tab.
Enter the quantity you would like to purchase and your preferred payment terms. The price per litre and total price will now be shown. The price is held for 10 minutes from when you pressed the “Place an order” button. If you elect to leave the order at this stage, you will be returned to the live pricing screen and attempting to place the order again may result in a different price.
To progress your order, check the box to agree the Terms and Conditions and type in your order reference, which will be used to collect the product. If the order is for Bunker product, you will also be required to enter your Bunker Account number. Then press the "Place order" button, and you will be able to see that the order is being processed and you will receive an e-mail to confirm that your order has been received, followed by an e-mail accepting or declining the order.
When placing an order, via Mabalive or over the phone, the terminal allocation will be created automatically at the terminal, and confirmation of this allocation can be viewed using the RELEASES REPORT in the dashboard.
Here you can view the customer reference that the product will be available under, the expiry date and the remaining volume.
To access your Intraday Contract on Mabalive go to the LIVE PRICING and select INTRADAY PRICES in the dropdown menu.
Scroll down to view your contracts and contract details, including any purchases that you are committed to making and associated dates.
You can view your contractual price (based on the live market price), and see whether you have ordered any volume against this trigger for this particular month. If you are happy with the price, and want to trigger, click on Place an Order and type in the required volume. You will immediately see the pence per litre that you are purchasing at, the sub total, the VAT and the total amount.
Check the box to agree the Terms and Conditions and enter the reference that you would like to use to lift this product at the terminal (Bunker product will require your Bunker Account details additionally), then click Place Order.
You can view all of your orders on Mabalive, including those placed online, by phone and evergreen contract orders. To view all orders go to REPORTS, then select ORDERS in the dropdown menu.
You can view orders for a specific time-period; month to date, one, three or six months, or click on the date bar and use the calendar to select ‘from’ and ‘to’ dates, then click apply and search. You can also refine your search by terminal location, product, customer reference or even by deal number.
All your orders will be available to view including; customer ref, deal number, location, product, the effective date that the deal is available from, the quantity, unit of measure, agreed price and order status - whether it is active or closed.
All the information can also be copied to a clipboard or downloaded in CSV format.
You can search for a specific order reference in a number of ways.
You can use the quick search, simply enter the reference number here, (21117) to view all orders containing these numbers. In our example there are three order references which contain these numbers, two of these are for different products, and the other has an additional 2 at the end.
You can also search for a specific order reference using the advanced search. Enter the specific reference number here and click search to view order references which contain these numbers.
Finally, you can also search for a specific order reference using the filters. Click ‘show’ here, then go to the Customer Reference column and enter the reference number that you are searching to view order references which contain these numbers.
Pricing alerts are sent via email, and you can select when you receive these alerts.
To do this go to LIVE PRICING in the main menu and click PRICE ALERTS.
Here you can select the time, or times, that you would like to receive your price alerts.
From then on you will receive pricing alerts at your selected times, as well as the default times of 8am and 4.30pm
To view movements and transfers go to REPORTS, then select MOVEMENTS in the dropdown menu.
You can view all Movements for a specific time-period; month to date, one, three or six months - or click on the date bar and use the calendar to select ‘from’ and ‘to’ dates, then click apply and search. You can also refine your search by terminal location, product or customer reference number.
Here you can view all the movements that have taken place at the terminal under your specific contract, including the movement date that the lifting took place, the external document number and the customer reference number (either a contract number or a spot order reference number).
In addition, you can see the terminal location, the gross quantity (the ambient volume lifted), the standard litre volume lifted, the weight in tonnes and also the product.
Use the page tab here to view Movements by page, or select and view up to 100 movements on the page. All Movement information can also be copied to a clip board, or downloaded in CSV format.
To check available releases, expiry dates and the volume available go to REPORTS, then select RELEASES in the drop-down menu. Here you can view all releases that have been made at the terminal.
You can view Releases for a specific time-period; month to date, one, three or six months - or click on the date bar and use the calendar to select ‘from’ and ‘to’ dates, then click apply and search. You can also refine your search by terminal location, product or customer reference number.
Information includes; all terminal allocations that have been made, the release status (active or expired), the quantity remaining, the product, the location and the original customer reference. You can use the Sort button to order remaining allocations, and volume available to lift, as well as status and expiry date, allowing you to implement collection within the set period.
To view a statement of your account go to REPORTS, then select INVOICES in the dropdown menu. Here you can view all transactions on your account.
Information includes; the invoice number, the total amount - both in GDP or foreign currency, the due date, the customer reference, the deal number, the load number, the product type, the movement date (to and from), the location, the gross quantity that was lifted and the net quantity.
Left click on the PDF icon to download a copy of the invoice.
All information can also be copied to a clipboard to be pasted elsewhere or downloaded in CSV format.
To view your contractual prices go to REPORTS and select PRICING in the dropdown menu.
Here you can view all contractual prices that are index-linked or platts related deals. You can also see when the product became available (using the Effective From tab), the price excluding VAT and duty, the currency, use of measure, product, location and the customer reference.
To amend your user details go to MY ACCOUNT. Here you will see your user details including name and address details, contact and password. Simply select the details that you would like to change, type in the new correct information and click Save.
If you forget your password go to the Mabalive login page and click FORGOTTEN YOUR LOGIN DETAILS? Enter your email address and hit send. You will receive an email with a link to a page where you can enter your email and select a new password. Next confirm your new password, then click RESET.
You can now login to Mabalive using these new details and have the option to save these so that you don’t have to enter your password in the future.